In this revised and expanded edition, Greg Stier shares the secret to effective and exciting ministry, unpacking the model found in the book of Acts and showing how youth leaders worldwide can implement it to create a dynamic ministry that grows the Kingdom and produces spiritual fruit in their teenagers.
Hi Raquel,Here is a link to our preteen lesson on salvation. -youth-group-lesson-salvation/On each of our websites, we have free lessons for preteens-teens.That covers so many topics to teach. These lessons will also give you insight on how we set up the lessons in our series, that we sell on each site. Please let me know if I can assist you further by emailing me at
youth ministry resources pdf free
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i take this time to give thanks to our lord and to your ministry pastor for giving me the youth lesson so that i can be the one to help my youth to become more discipline and strong to our lord jesus christ. god bless your ministry.
Hello my name is Emily, I will be taking over a youth class for the first time as the teacher is sick and of course no clue on what I want to teach. Was browsing around the internet and this site caught my attention. I clicked on your lesson identity, entered my email to receive free PDF Lesson and its been over an hour and I still have not received anything. Please advice. I need this for tonight. Thank you
Do you still have the free download of all these lessons in one PDF? I had downloaded it in the past but lost a bunch of files when I had computer issues. Thanks for all you guys do to support us in youth ministry!
OH MY!!! You have NO IDEA what a God-send this is to me!!!! After 20 years of youth ministry, I was just burnt out and done. I have begged and pled for someone else to take over, but no one was willing. Not willing to see the youth forgotten, I have endeavored to trudge on.This is like a breath of fresh air! Inspiration indeed! Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!
Hello:After a 7 year hiatus from being youth group leaders, my husband and I have been asked to lead at our new church. We were so hesitant and really had to pray about it. Finding these free lessons on line was such a Blessing!!! We are doing what we are called to do, our purpose! These lessons are AWESOME. The students love the games and the lessons create such amazing discussions! We teach 13 years and older, perfect lessons for this group. Thank you for all you do and all of the hard work that is put into these lessons!
Occasionally, we'll be asked to teach youth ministry classes on the ins and outs of writing Bible study curriculum/lesson plans. As a result, we decided to take the content from these classes and turn it into a short e-booklet for youth workers.
Download a free 22 page eBook (PDF) that explains six discipleship traits, shows how Scripture supports them, and challenges you to consider how effective your youth ministry is at seeing these traits realized in the lives of your students.
The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry is the premiere resource leader in the United States for the Church's ministry with junior high and high school youth. The NFCYM mission is "to support and strengthen those who accompany young people as they encounter and follow Jesus Christ."NFCYM is a membership organization networking individual, organizational, and diocesan pastoral leaders who are jointly committed to the Church's ministry with youth. The organization provides resources, support, and opportunities for this mission to ministers, pastors, bishops, parents, catechists, and volunteers working with younger generations. For more information or to get in touch with NFCYM, go to their website ( ) or contact them directly at @email.
Greg Stier unpacks the model found in the book of Acts, unveiling the seven key ingredients present within the early church, and shows how you can blend them together today to create a Gospelized youth ministry that results in dynamic Kingdom growth.
"Gospelize Your Youth Ministry is a thoughtful, biblical, practical, empowering and hopeful answer to how to do evangelism in the context of youth ministry. My prayer is that it will send shockwaves throughout the youth ministry world and change the landscape of evangelism in youth ministry."
Youth Ministry Leader Handbook A guide for youth ministry leaders and their congregations which includes forms, job description and compensation guidelines, safe conduct information, and much more. Forms Word document files of the permission (and other) forms found in the Youth Ministry Handbook.
Mission & Service Learning Opportunities Curated programs and resources for local and national trips Pandemic Resources for Youth and Faith Formation Leaders A curated list of ministry resources for Covid-19
Open Network is a free library of church resources from Life.Church. There are more than 35,000 free videos, sermon prep resources, kids lessons, graphics packages, music, ministry tips, and more that you can download and use in your ministry. And best of all, it's totally free for churches!Learn more at
The Children's Ministry Resource for Praying with Jesus equips children's ministry leaders with children's sermon outlines, family worship experiences, prayer station outlines, a worship song, music video, promotional materials, and more. This resource will lead your kids through the Lord's Prayer, and give them concrete ways to add prayer into daily life. The Praying with Jesus Children's Ministry Resource coordinates well with the kid's book, Praying with Jesus. Paired together, these resources will help your kids learn how to pray and experience meaningful moments with God.
End Goals is the podcast of LCMS Youth Ministry in the Office of National Mission. LCMS Youth Ministry Staff discuss practices for healthy youth ministry and interview practitioners who provide insight for experienced and new youth leaders.
Started in 1983 in the Word Records system, interlínc assists youth leaders in getting quality Christian music to their students. Our mission is to link the resources of the Christian music industry with the needs of your ministry.
We do not believe that Christian music should be the foundation of youth ministry. However, students consume 7.5 hours in entertainment media (music,TV, radio, internet) every day. How much of the solid Biblical teaching your students hear once or twice a week is challenged and mocked by the music they hear on a daily basis? You have the unique opportunity to build up instead of tear down your message through music.
Net MinistriesNET Ministries challenges young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church through Catholic youth retreats, parish and school discipleship, and youth ministry resources. -resources/promotional-materials/
Finding kids Bible curriculum can be hard, especially when ministry budgets are tight. That's why our digital Sunday School lessons are so affordable. We help small churches make an eternal impact with printable Gospel-centered resources. Our teacher friendly lesson plans include coloring pages, worksheets, discussion quetions, prayer, and parent take home sheets. Flexible for small churches and adaptable for wide age groups (toddler, preschool, elementary, preteen, and youth minsitry). Now you can focus on your calling to share Jesus with the kids.
Ten free youth Bible study lessons focused on each piece of the armor of God including lessons on God's call to Timothy, Jesus is our hero, Satan is the enemy and a lesson on how to pray. Each contains interactive activities and printable lessons.
Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth,offers over sixty free Bible study lessons for youth covering topicssuch as depression, honesty, unity, pride, etc. as well as greatinteractive youth Bible study lessons for special occasions and holidays!
Here are six of his newest free lessonsavailable for easy download including an interactive lesson ondepression that references the movie "Inside Out", a lesson using apuzzle piece hunt to initiate discussion on unity, and a fun lesson onidentity which begins with a game called "Make It Stick"! Theseimportant issue lessons are based upon God's Word and presented in funways for youth to connect and apply the messages to their own lives.
Teen Sunday School is primarily a subscription website for youth Bible study lessons, but they do offer several free lessons as samples. Their Bible Basics includes eight youth Bible study lessons on how we got the Bible and know it's true, how it's organized, and how to study the Bible.
Our youth don't just need to "hear" a lesson, they need to experience it. Ken Sapp offers suggestions for leadingeffective youth Bible study lessons. Youth ministers are great about sharing their creative ideas of how to teach qualityfree teen Bible study lessonsas well as how to relate to youth on a personal level. Youth ministersfrom various U.S. states, as well as Canada, contributed thesesixty-one lessons.
Or how about youth Bible study lessons based on popular movies like "Catching Fire" or "Mockingjay" -the Hunger Games movies!Whether you are a teen yourself or someone that works with teens, checkout these free resources at Dare2Share. They offer "Soul Fuel" - free youthBible study lessons that answer key questions of the Christian faith.
Youth Bible study lessons need to be upfront and honest, as well as unique and fun. With over 100creative teaching ideas,including free youth Bible lessons revolving around games, Christianobject lessons, or other unique Bible activity, you will be equipped todo just that.
Another great free resource is Bible Games Central which is all about conveying Bible truths through fun and captivating activities. They believe like we do that learning the Bible should never be boring! At, you will find a variety of games suitable for children, youths and even adults. Each game comes with Bible learning points, recommended scripture passages and discussion questions. 2ff7e9595c